Department of Public Service

External Enforcement Request

16 NYCRR Part 753 – Protection of Underground Facilities – Enforcement Request.

The purpose of this Enforcement Request Form is for a Submitter, such as an operator, excavator, or member of the general public, to request enforcement against the Alleged Entity for violating the requirements of 16 NYCRR Part 753.

Submitter Information submitterinformation Who is submitting the enforcement request?
Contact Information
Alleged Entity Information allegedentityinformation Who committed the violation?
Contact Information
Alleged Violation Location allegedviolationinformation
  • When and where the violation occurred?
  • Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code should be required, or the Latitude and Longitude should be required.
Damaged Facility damagedfaciityinformation What facilities were impacted?
Impact on Facility Facility
Project projectinformation What type of work was occurring?
Enforcment enforcementinformation What requirements of 16 NYCRR Part 753 were violated?
Submitter Attestation

By submitting this form, you are swearing and attesting that the information provided herein is true and accurate. In addition, you are stating that you, or a member of the entity you represent, upon information and belief, witnessed the events described in this report. This report will be submitted to the New York State Department of Public Service, a government entity. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor pursuant to New York Penal Law §210.45.

I Agree