On several occasions letters were sent to the Byron Town Board from BAAS regarding safety concerns, issues concerning soil and air contamination, concerns about the danger of battery fires (two files attached), and in general, the layout of the project, roads, boundaries, set backs and a host of other issues. Who is Minding the Store files 1, 2, and 3 attached question these issues and copies were sent to Byron Town Board Members prior to a monthly Board Meeting. There were several informational files attached to each of these files. To date BAAS has received no response to any of these matters. We were told that the information had been referred to the attorneys but to date no acknowledgment or response has been forthcoming. We cannot understand how the Town of Byron can move forward with this project without publicly addressing these real concerns of the community. Many residents live on the east side of fields within 300¿ of proposed solar panels where there is a prevailing westerly wind. Not once have residents received any feedback other than what has been supplied by Excelsior. We believe that the Byron Town Board has a responsibility and a moral duty to protect the citizens of the community from any potential dangers, contamination, changes to the community, or issues that will significantly effect the population of the town, both short and long term. By not responding to the issues raised in the attached documents, BAAS sincerely believes that the town has not fully addressed these issues. BAAS