- Matter/case Details: 15-01168/15-E-0302
Matter Number: 15-01168 Case Number: 15-E-0302
Title of Matter: Proceeding on Motion of the Commission to Implement a Large-Scale Renewable Program and a Clean Energy Standard.
- Filing Information
Filing No.: 686 Date Filed: 6/18/2020
Filing on behalf of: New York State Department of Public Service
Description of Filing: CES White Paper
Filed By: Dwyer,Francis T.
 Document Title Document Type Security File Size
Download DocumentCES White Paper Appendix A DoctypeReports SecurityFlagPublic DocSize1.22 MB
Download DocumentCES White Paper DoctypeReports SecurityFlagPublic DocSize576 KB
Download DocumentCover Letter DoctypeReports SecurityFlagPublic DocSize142 KB
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