- Matter/case Details: 16-00253/16-E-0060
Matter Number: 16-00253 Case Number: 16-E-0060
Title of Matter: Proceeding on Motion of the Commission as to the Rates, Charges, Rules and Regulations of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc. for Electric Service
- Filing Information
Filing No.: 85 Date Filed: 9/20/2016
Filing on behalf of: New York State Department of Public Service
Description of Filing: Joint Proposal and Appendices
Filed By: Favreau,John
 Document Title Document Type Security File Size
Download DocumentFiling Letter DoctypeJoint Proposals and Stipulations SecurityFlagPublic DocSize44 KB
Download DocumentJoint Proposal  DoctypeJoint Proposals and Stipulations SecurityFlagPublic DocSize2.17 MB
Download DocumentAppendices to Joint Proposal DoctypeJoint Proposals and Stipulations SecurityFlagPublic DocSize1.4 MB
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