Dear Chad Hume, I understand you are the public service commissioner of NY and I wish to draw your attention to my dissatisfaction with Verizon's decision to abandon Fire Island in regards to its obligation to provide adequate phone and data service to the residents. First they should be mandated to provide a hard wired phone service which will operate when power goes down. This seems basic to safety. Secondly data/internet service is so much a part of everyday life it should be consider a basic service and they should be mandated to provide this as well. They should provide this for the same fees and usage rates as they had previously been charging. As of today they are price gouging. Prior to Sandy we payed approx. $50 per month for unlimited internet access. Now they are putting low limits on our usage for the same $50 per month with severe penalties for going over. You can opt for higher usage plans for much greater costs and they are not offering an unlimited plan. I wish you would get involved and help the victims of Sandy out on fire island deal with this monopoly gaming giant called Verizon. Thank you, Robert Gonzalez 65 Dolphin Walk, Dunewood, Fire Island 917-969-9660